Decoding Diets by Andrew Kaufman, MD

Sale price$119.00

It’s time to cut through the confusion around popular nutrition.

In this eight-hour event, you’ll hear from six leading diet experts.

Together, we’ll analyze the evidence for CarnivoreKetogenic (low carb), Weston A. PriceVegan and Frugivore diets.

Applying my unique framework for critical thinking, you’ll learn to discern health fads from healthy diets and assess which diet has the best health outcomes.

What You’ll learn…

  • Up-to-date evidence on which diet is the natural diet of man
  • An in-depth analysis of which diet has the best health outcomes: Carnivore, Ketogenic (low carb), Weston A. Price, Vegan, and Frugivore
  • The difference between healing and maintenance diets 
  • Which health conditions have been cured through various diets 
  • How to resolve contradictory evidence around diet and nutrition
  • Trustworthy sources for in-depth knowledge regarding diet and nutrition
  • The most common fallacies around diet and nutrition... and how to spot them!
  • How to discern health fads from healthy diets
  • How to form your own opinion by applying logic and reason to scientific findings
Learn more